Ben Nevis Makahike - 2022

Victoria Partridge

MakaHike 2022 Ben Nevis

Team captain: Victoria Partridge


A massive congratulations to all the wonderful MakaHikers for completing the Ben Nevis climb.... What an achievement!

Standing at 1345m (4413ft) Ben Nevis summit is the highest point in the UK. This is the highest point of land for 739km in any direction (and about 25% bigger than Snowdon).  Climbing the ‘Pony Track’ which was initially used to visit the 1883 weather station observatory, the journey there and back was 17km (10.5 miles) long.

You are all such inspirations, and should be so proud of yourselves.

Congratulations once again,

The Makaton Team



  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors


A massive congratulations to all the wonderful MakaHikers for completing the Ben Nevis climb.... What an achievement!

Standing at 1345m (4413ft) Ben Nevis summit is the highest point in the UK. This is the highest point of land for 739km in any direction (and about 25% bigger than Snowdon).  Climbing the ‘Pony Track’ which was initially used to visit the 1883 weather station observatory, the journey there and back was 17km (10.5 miles) long.

You are all such inspirations, and should be so proud of yourselves.

Congratulations once again,

The Makaton Team